Quotation Explorer - 'Dr Margaret Aranda'

The weatherman/woman definitely has SuperPowers. - Dr Margaret Aranda
Just Keeping You 'In the Know. - Dr Margaret Aranda
Take the Positive, and run! Run from the negative! - Dr Margaret Aranda
Onward & Forward! We RROOAAARRR! - Dr Margaret Aranda
Eat and sleep well. Be Positive and get rid of the Negative in Your Life. - Dr Margaret Aranda
Writing a book isn't just about 'writing a book.' Unfortunately, it's about selling it, and getting it out to the masses. - Dr Margaret Aranda
Think about it. If I say to you, "Oh! I wrote a 500-page book on that!" Don’t your eyebrows go up? - Dr Margaret Aranda
Raising children is like baking cookies at high altitudes. The recipe doesn’t work. You must open the oven door and keep checking on the cookies. - Dr Margaret Aranda
My spirit is simply rekindled with each one of your words. - Dr Margaret Aranda
The structure of a 'writing schedule' is only there as a frame. You provide the image, the emotion, and the sentiment in your own time. - Dr Margaret Aranda
A long time ago, I gave up trying to understand how other people think. - Dr Margaret Aranda
Don’t ever yell at me. I don’t yell, so talk to me in a regular voice. - Dr Margaret Aranda
Inside each one of us is a rebel just waiting to be freed. That rebel is the real You. - Dr Margaret Aranda
I'm not here for the money; I'm here for the souls. - Dr Margaret Aranda
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